n January 2021, we adopted Harlow from a shelter run by the P.S.A. Apparently, he was discovered in a locked room while his owner was away on vacation. Because Harlow was severely underweight, nobody seemed interested in taking him home.

Upon bringing him to my place, he seemed uneasy being indoors, so I had to keep him company and soothe him with words. To help him bulk up, I also provided him with some nourishment.

The following day, my dog had some fun playing with Jada outdoors. However, whenever we would leave him by himself, he seemed incredibly unhappy. As a result, I found myself constantly talking to him and even allowing him to sleep in my room for a couple of nights.

Fortunately, he had a good appetite and managed to gain two kilograms in just one week. However, he still looked very thin and was still underweight by at least 20 kilograms.

Over time, he became more self-assured and less anxious, able to stroll without fear even in the darkness. Additionally, he developed a fondness for frolicking in the garden. “After three months, I took him on his first trip to the seaside, and he relished every moment of it.”

Let’s take a trip down memory lane and admire Harlow’s remarkable transformation. He is now a completely healthy and confident dog, sometimes even mischievous because of his love for playing.

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